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So Long, Farewell, Asshole

 Wednesday, January 20, 2021. The end of an error. And that error is Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. If you've read my other blog posts, you know I've already covered the reasons why I think this piece of shit was able to ascend to the highest office in the land. It was a perfect storm brewing for decades, but especially during the two-term presidency of Barack Obama. And it was greatly facilitated by the two-party chokehold that's held this country for far too long. 

For me, Donald Trump was always a joke; a sideshow circus with his utterly stupid Apprentice TV series. I'm convinced now that up to half the people in this country have no skill or aptitude when it comes to reading people for who and what they are, but I pegged this waste of human life for exactly what he was -and still is. First and foremost, he's spoiled, narcissistic, selfish, apathetic, dishonest, egotistical, obtuse, and overall just not that bright. Most people who display all these awful character traits don't end up making it very far in life; unless, of course, they have money and/or a powerful family to lean back on. Hence, the hideous monstrosity known as Donald J. Trump.

For the entirety of Trump's adult life, he's lost millions and millions (probably billions by now) of dollars on poor investments and failed businesses and ventures. He's filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy six (6) times between 1991 and 2009:

  • 1991: Trump’s Taj Mahal
  • 1992: First of two Atlantic City casinos owned by Donald Trump.
  • 1992: Second of two Atlantic City casinos owned by Donald Trump.
  • 1992:  Trump’s Plaza Hotel in New York City
  • 2004:  Trump’s Hotels and Casinos Resorts
  • 2009:  Trump’s Entertainment Resorts

He has a string of Trump-branded business failures too:

  • Trump University (Which still has ongoing lawsuits against it)
  • Trump Steaks
  • Trump Airlines 
  • Trump Vodka
  • Trump Magazine
  • Trump Mortgage
  • Trump Casinos

And then there's the oh-so-long list of people and businesses that Trump and his many businesses have short-changed or refused to pay. USA Today reported on this back in 2016 when Trump was campaigning for the presidency, citing data from the Department of Labor that just two of Trump's now-defunct businesses were cited 24 times beginning in 2005 for failing to pay overtime or minimum wage. The cases were settled when the companies — the Trump Plaza in Atlantic City and Trump Mortgage LLC — agreed to pay back wages.  

The paper also reported that more than 200 liens had been filed against Trump or his businesses by contractors and employees dating back to the 1980s. The claimants include curtain makers, chandelier shops, cabinet makers and even Trump's lawyers who represented him in prior cases. I guess we can now add Ol' Crazy Rudy Giuliani to that claimants list, eh?

It's just really mind-boggling to me how anyone could know all this information and witness this goofball talking or acting out on TV and come to the conclusion that he'd make a fine president. There's countless stories throughout history of folks getting conned and snowballed by slick-talking politicians, but Trump never even managed the slick talk aspect. He can barely string a coherent English sentence together. Read ANY of his speech transcripts to see what I mean. He has an extremely weak and tenuous grasp of the English language. He has a few select words and phrases that he continually recycles over and over and over again. It's just painful and awful to listen to him if you know anything about public speaking and the English language. And yet, millions and millions of Americans latched onto this buffoon as the savior of America. That just tells me we have a LOT of people who need to be educated and brought up to speed on a few things. Mainly, what is fact and what is fiction. But more than that, we have a LOT (millions and millions) of disenfranchised, distraught, and downtrodden Americans who have become so despondent, disillusioned, and despaired that they saw an idiot like Donald J. Trump as the answer to their prayers. And they believed -and many continue to believe- every single word that fell from his lips. This fool managed to convince millions of Americans that all the mainstream media was fake news and that only what he was saying was true; without any credible sources to back up his many incredibly unbelievable claims and lies. He used the two-party chokehold to his advantage to further divide this country along party lines and the spineless, greedy Republicans quickly fell in line. It was the perfect storm for the perfect idiot and he's certainly left a huge mess for future administrations to clean up. Good luck Biden and Harris; you're gonna need it.

Even more troubling to me are the millions of Americans who still support this moron; who still believe the election was stolen from him; who still believe in the QAnon conspiracy theories and fear some shadowy evil terrorist group called Antifa that doesn't even exist; who still believe that peaceful Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters and activists are also terrorists. When you believe that everyone and everything around you -the media, the government, fact-checking organizations- are all part of some grandly orchestrated evil conspiracy, it's going to take a lot of work and patience to get you back into the real world. And that's what we're faced with right now. While there are millions of people who share my enthusiasm at seeing Trump vacate the White House, there are millions more who truly believe that Trump was cheated out of an election he won and a second term as president that is rightfully his. These people don't want to hear anything Biden or the Democrats say because, well, they're all part of the evil cabal of pedophiles and communists. Lump "Big Tech" and the mainstream media in there as well which means anything on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram  or CNN or NPR or Reuters is all controlled by this massive coordinated evil cabal. That is a shit-ton of misinformation to try to correct in the minds of a bunch of people who are not really willing to listen. Yet. Somehow, some way, we've got to bridge the chasm and start coming together again. There will always be folks content to exist on the fringes of society, but we can't have over 74 million people believing this election was a sham. That really disputes the "United" in "United States of America."

So, it's a frightening day as much as it's a great day for American Democracy. While I'm happy and proud that our constitution and democracy were able to withstand the dumpster fire full of shit that was Donald J. Trump, I'm fully aware that we've got a lot of repair work to do now. Fingers crossed and prayers to the man above that we're up to that task.

In the meantime, so long and farewell, asshole! I sincerely hope you and your family (I'm referring to the ones that enabled and aided you during the past four years) get to reap just a fraction of all the shit you've sewn these past four years. Karma's a bitch.


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