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Showing posts from November, 2021


This Thanksgiving, one word comes to mind for me as a human being: GRATITUDE /ˈɡradəˌt(y)o͞od/   -noun-  the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.  Being thankful -truly thankful- requires a moment of pause, reflection, and introspection. I've come to realize that "happiness" is really just a state of mind. It's a person's ability to take stock of what they have and where they are in life and focus on those things in a positive and thankful manner. Take, for instance, the millions of people around the globe that are living in squalid conditions by most of our standards. They have very little food, clothing, or material possessions. Many lack a decent house, running water, or electricity. Their days are spent working and struggling just to survive another day. But, incredibly, many of these people are quick to smile and laugh. They're generous with what little they have and they are truly thankful for what little