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Showing posts from January, 2021

Never Trust the Hive Mind

 In the age of the COVID-19 pandemic, restaurants have had to adapt and evolve to survive. The sad truth is many fine restaurants and bars simply could not survive this unprecedented chapter in American history. The ones that have survived so far have found ingenious and inventive ways of doing business whether it's upping their curbside-to-go game or adding delivery options, or coming up with family meal packages. I'm amazed at their tenacity and determination as well as their ability and willingness to think outside the box. I always want to do my part to keep these savvy-yet-struggling businesses going and I've been determined to try some new restaurants as time and budget permits. A local gal even created a very nifty Facebook group for local takeout options. I followed it and saw everyday how folks were raving about all the offerings from local restaurants. The coolest thing about this group is 99.9% of the posts were positive. No bashing for bad service and mediocre f

So Long, Farewell, Asshole

 Wednesday, January 20, 2021. The end of an error. And that error is Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. If you've read my other blog posts, you know I've already covered the reasons why I think this piece of shit was able to ascend to the highest office in the land. It was a perfect storm brewing for decades, but especially during the two-term presidency of Barack Obama. And it was greatly facilitated by the two-party chokehold that's held this country for far too long.  For me, Donald Trump was always a joke; a sideshow circus with his utterly stupid Apprentice TV series. I'm convinced now that up to half the people in this country have no skill or aptitude when it comes to reading people for who and what they are, but I pegged this waste of human life for exactly what he was -and still is. First and foremost, he's spoiled, narcissistic, selfish, apathetic, dishonest, egotistical, obtuse, and overall just not that bright. Most people who display all

Patriots Turned Terrorists

 Let's start by defining some terms here; Patriotism . You see and hear that word being thrown around a lot by Trump and his followers. It means “devoted love, support, and defense of one’s country; national loyalty.” Examples of people commonly labeled as patriotic include our military service members as well as state and local government representatives. But folks such as diplomats, teachers, first responders, and everyday citizens who do extraordinary acts all exemplify patriotism in the many forms of good they do in service of their communities and the country. There are millions of government employees, as well as millions who volunteer their time in the interest of their country. Individual acts of pride, such as displaying an American flag at one’s home, are also examples of patriotism. Now let's talk about Nationalism . This is really what Trump is constantly mislabeling as patriotism. And I'm quite sure the vast majority of his followers really do not grasp the dif