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Showing posts from December, 2020


If you thought that Joe Biden winning the election was somehow going to make everything OK -or at least better- after four years of Trump, I admire your optimism. And although I hate to be a wet blanket or Debbie Downer, I'd like to call your attention to the fact that we still have the same exact two-party chokehold strangling this nation. It has and will always be Democrats vs. Republicans until we the people decide to do something about that. I hold out little hope of that though since the majority of us seem to love being part of a team. Trump was a prime example of how party comes before people. Party is apparently everything. To hell with morals, common sense, the greater good -all that stuff is meaningless when it comes to pumping up and supporting your party. Whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, you're after the same goal. Party above all else. We're seeing that play out now in grand fashion as we approach yet another ominous Government shutdown on Decembe