To explain the title of this blog, I'm actually not going to talk about voting at all. Instead, I will use two hypothetical scenarios. As you read them though, the parallels to voting here in the United States should be pretty obvious. If they're not, no amount of words in a blog would probably get through to you. SCENARIO 1 Imagine you have this black box with three buttons on the top; a red button, a blue button, and a white button. In order to improve your life, you are encouraged to choose one of the buttons and press it. You do. Nothing happens though. Your life doesn't get any better. Things just kind of stay the same for you. You have a random mix of good days and bad days, successes and failures, pleasant surprises and bitter disappointments. You think back to the black box with the three buttons and how you were told how very important it was to press a button. Some told you pressing the red button was the best option and would provide greatest improvement to your...