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Showing posts from August, 2021

Repeating History's Mistakes

On April 30, 1975, the last few Americans still in South Vietnam were airlifted out of the country as Saigon fell to communist forces. North Vietnamese Colonel Bui Tin accepted the surrender of South Vietnam later in the day. The Vietnam War was the longest -20 years- and most unpopular foreign war in U.S. history and cost 58,000 American lives. As many as two million Vietnamese soldiers and civilians were killed. The U.S. military was sent to Vietnam to protect the United States and the world against the spread of dirty, nasty Communism. See, back then, there was this thing called the Domino Theory that suggested that other nations throughout Asia would become satellites of either the Soviet Union or Communist China, much like nations in Eastern Europe had come under Soviet domination. So the United States spent upwards of $168 billion over 20 years to make sure Vietnam didn't become a communist county. And, guess what, despite all the time, effort, and money, it did -pretty much